Strathmore Court Homeowners Association
Coram, NY



Calendar of Events


Date Event
4/1Annual Homeowners Meeting

Pool Hours

12:00 noon – 8:00 pm
Seven days a week
Pool Rules

Clubhouse Hours

5am — 11pm
Seven days a week

Welcome to the Strathmore Court Homeowners Association!

Strathmore Court is an association of 440 privately owned homes. We are NOT condominiums or co-ops. The community is made up of 3 sections, with homes built by 3 different builders (Levitt, SHR, Carriage Homes), and original owners have been here since the mid-1970s. There is a variety of layouts, with some homes including basements, garages, one or two story floor plans, and more. A nine member Board of Trustees, elected by homeowner/members of the association, oversee the operations of the Strathmore Court Homeowners Association. Day to day activities are performed by The Management Company of Blue Point, NY and there is an on-site full time superintendent as well.

Homeowner News

Long Island Cares

Strathmore Court HOA Food Drive Results

The SCHOA Board of Directors would like to thank everyone who participated in our food drive for Long Island Cares on December 15, 2024, especially Anita Risener, our neighbor and volunteer coordinator. It turned out to be a huge success!

We collected six boxes of items that weighed in at 688 pounds and $260 in cash and check donations. We received a wide variety of donated items, so adults, babies, and pets were all covered. Long Island Cares volunteers picked up the donations the next day and they were delighted with our efforts. Especially at this time of year, all donations are so important and very much appreciated.

Thank you for being such a generous community!

Strathmore Court HOA Refuse Schedule
Remainder of 2024

As per the Town of Brookhaven, Maggio's has been instructed to follow updated Recycling procedures. Maggio's has requested that all homeowners use the blue tote for the recycling days noted on the calendar below. If you have any questions, please contact Maggio's directly at 631-696-6300.

Garbage Collection Monday and Thursday

Bulk Pickup Monday


Monday November 4th, November 11th, November 18th, November 25th
Monday December 2nd, December 9th, December 16th, December 23th, December 30th


Thanksgiving November 28th
Christmas December 25th

New Officers

Sharlene Iadanza
Vice President
Janet Longo
Karen Maila
Carrie Treadwell

Popsicles at the Pool

Taps Across America - 2024

US Flag

Thank you Aliza Greenberg for your wonderful playing of “TAPS” to commemorate Memorial Day as we participated in TAPS ACROSS AMERICA.

Taps Across America

Annual Homeowners Meeting April 9, 2024

John Hatgis and Regina McDonnell of The Management Co. were introduced. John moderated the meeting. Approximately 40-50 homeowners were present.

Board members were introduced and all gave brief reports of their varied responsibilities.

Three board members were re-elected, having run unopposed: Karen Maila, Doug Stolfi, Carrie Treadwell.

John spoke briefly in tribute to the late John Romashko, who served this community as board member and treasurer for many years. His remarks were followed by a moment of silence.

The following items were discussed through the question and answer period.

  • Loud music
  • Raising rates to maintain all homes
  • Broken Town fence behind home on Georgian
  • Power washing homes
  • Broken clubhouse gate
  • Prospectus
  • Shrubs
  • Tree work
  • Signboard
  • Cable/internet problems
  • Billing
  • Common grounds, grass, fungus, lawns, leaf cleanups
  • Water main access
  • Basketball courts
  • Irrigation, sprinklers
  • Garbage pails

Taco Truck

Homeowners enjoyed the Taco Truck at the clubhouse on August 27, 2023.

See the photos

Key Fobs

To obtain your key fob after filing an online application, see Frank at the clubhouse Monday through Friday. (If the golf cart is at the front door, he’ll be there to help you.)
Bring your old fob to exchange, or $15 cash or check for the replacement fee.
The system is fully activated and a fob is required for entry to the gate, clubhouse, pool, etc.
If you applied for a fob, plaease pick it up!
If you did not submit an application for a key fob, you can Apply online

Homeowner Reminder

Any and all homeowners not picking up after their pet on common area will be subject to a mandatory fine (no warning).

Any and all homeowners not picking up after their pet on their property will be reported to the Board of Health as this attracts rodents and is a nuisance to their fellow HOA members.

Management Company Emergency Number

The Management Company has employed an after hours emergency number (631) 548–8286

Homeowner Reminder

There is no parking on the lawns. Violators will be fined.

1st Offense: $100
2nd Offense: $150
3rd Offense: Car towed and stored at homeoener expense