Strathmore Court Homeowners Association
Coram, NY




The Board of Directors is looking for volunteers to help the community by serving on one of the committees.

The following committees need volunteers:

Recreation Committee
This committee would welcome additional help in planning and organizing future activities.
Architecture Committee
This group’s major responsibility is to look for conformity within the community, as regards plot plans, windows, oil tanks, etc.
Maintenance Committee
The responsibilities of this committee include walking through the community to view and monitor what is being done as well as suggest ideas of future plans.
Website Committee
This committee is responsible for updating the information on the community web site.
Pool Committee
This committe is responsible for coordinating the maintenance and operation of the pool.
Audit Committee
This committe is responsible for coordinating the annual auditors report.

If you want to volunteer for any of these committees, fill out the form below or send an email to

Please include your name, address, phone number and which committee you would like to help.

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