Strathmore Court Homeowners Association
Coram, NY



Meeting with Councilwoman Jane Bonner
and Highway Superintendent Daniel Losquadro

Board members Pat Cruz and Helene Singer met with Councilwoman Jane Bonner, Highway Superintendent Daniel Losquadro, and three other members of the Highway Department staff on Tuesday June 30, 2015 to discuss our Strathmore Court concerns. We both felt that the meeting was productive and informative, as well as educational for everyone.
A summary of our conversation follows:
  • Budgets and time govern how much can get done.
  • Strong efforts will be made to educate the 451–TOWN operators to know more about our community and who we are.
  • Questions exist about easements along our streets, in terms of which trees, if any, would be the Town's responsibility. They will research the original covenants and restrictions and get back to us. Encroachment of Town property onto common grounds and dangerous trees will also be explored after their engineers determine the boundaries of what's ours and what's theirs.
  • Those same covenants, which date to the original Levitt construction, will determine whether or not the landscaping within the islands is their responsibility or ours.
  • Curbs usually only get done when a road is resurfaced, but after Pat showed some photos it seemed as if some work may get done in some severe cases.
  • Sidewalks seem to be a low priority except in cases of safety, which applies to #50 Federal. To repair it, tree roots will be impacted which may cause removal of the tree. We told them that would not be a problem, which they didn't believe. It's not clear who will be responsible for that tree removal.
  • If homeowners adopt the islands the town will provide mulch, flowers, available from Holtsville Ecology Site. This is something that's been offered before, and people just have to go and get the supplies.
  • Removal of the islands is something they would like to have happen to ease the work of snow plows, emergency vehicles, etc. Again, there are budget constraints. Also, the report of the engineers will determine the landscaping and maintenance of them.
  • We have established methods of direct communication with both Bonner's and Losquadro's offices, and they have promised to work directly with Pat and Helene.
As of July 2, the pothole at the Canal Road entrance has been repaired, the stop lines have been painted at the new stop signs, some road repairs have been done (Hampton), and we have had significant amounts of street sweeping.